Home Financing in Uncertain Times

What’s going on in the financial and real estate markets today is new territory for all of us. It’s reported that banks have written off $150 billion in loan losses so far. But did you know that on a volatile trading day, stocks can gain or lose $150 billion every hour? Kind of puts it in perspective doesn’t it? Some business journalists write articles out of fear and sometimes there are problems with the numbers being reported. Plus, bad news sells. So, that’s what we hear day after day. There is good news out there, and for some, now might be a great time to buy or refinance.

My name is Sam Giannakakis, and I am truly passionate about my profession. The result is that nearly 100% of my business is by referral from satisfied clients, trusted financial advisors and the most experienced realtors in the Twin Cities. My mission is to carefully guide clients through the entire home loan process so they feel confident as they choose from the many options available for their financing strategy. With many years and a wide range of experience in the mortgage industry, my team and I stand ready to assist you each and every step of the way.

I understand that it's not just a house, it's your home. A home is one of the largest financial commitments a person will make during their life, and many people view their home financing as just another monthly payment. I can help my clients realize their home is truly a valuable financial tool, and will help them achieve the dreams and plans they envision for their future.

By: Sam Giannakakis